Game for UGJ


Build a town on an isle

  • Headquarters - produces wood
  • House - produces population
  • Pump - produces water, needs water nearby
  • Sawmill - produces wood, needs forests nearby
  • Quarry - produces stone, needs rocks nearby
  • Farm - produces food, needs grasslands nearby
  • Docks - produces fish, needs water nearby


  • shader - link
  • music - YouTube Audio Library
Published 14 days ago
Made withGodot


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Love the music and weather effects. I love the concept but I feel like a tutorial would be helpful.

Update: whoa I finally got a fully interconnected network of resources and houses and have gotten my town to a population of 30. Curious if there is resource exhaustion or if I can just continually expand until there's no space left on the map?

Resources are infinite, so there is no limit for the town population.

I think it needs more instructions, I can't figure out what I am supposed to do

Yeah... I didn't had time to add a tutorial. Every building produces something and needs other resources as ingredients. The icon in the right bottom corner shows you what the building needs. Also when you first place a building it needs some resources to build itself.

I'm having issues with playing the game. It seems the game keeps  freezing. Is there anything I need to download / install?

No... probably I just messed up something.